Archive 2003Archive 2004Archive 2005

September 24, 2004
Malthus, The Club of Rome and others have it wrong
In architecture, form follows function. In investing, strategy has to follow the lifestyle and the limitations of the investor. The time has come for me to change my strategy.

September 3, 2004
Good bye Technology!
In architecture, form follows function. In investing, strategy has to follow the lifestyle and the limitations of the investor. The time has come for me to change my strategy.

August 20, 2004
Electoral Fraud in Venezuela.
Jimmy Carter didn't see it. Cesar Gaviria (OAS) didn't see it. But US International Observers Curtis Reed and Steve Henley did see the huge fraud committed by the Chavez government against the people of Venezuela.

August 17, 2004
A Call to Civil Disobedience.
A call to civil disobedience as the way to win back our beloved country

August 16, 2004
The Presidential Recall Referendum - pdf
Electoral fraud or Chavez victory?

August 7, 2004
Venezuela Update - pdf
How Venezuela looks to an ordinary citizen

June 6, 2004
Ronald Reagan, 1911 - 2004
Ronald Reagan, RIP

April 6, 2004
The Brave New World of Google - pdf
A small example of how machine intelligence can transform society

March 18, 2004
CANTV ADRs - pdf
What is the Venezuelan bolivar really worth?

March 16, 2004
A Good Sweating - pdf
DirtyDingus says that ARM is a "nice" gorilla. Tinker Shaw says that a nice gorilla is an oxymoron. How are we to interpret ARM's pricing policies?

March 3, 2004
The Venezuelan Frankenstein Monster - pdf
Neither the OAS nor the Carter Center nor Uncle Sam are going to rescue us from our misfortune. This is our fight.
El Monstruo de Frankenstein Venezolano - pdf
Ni la OEA, ni el Centro Carter ni el tio Sam nos van a sacar de este apuro. Esta pelea en nuestra.

Archive 2003

Archive 2004

Archive 2005

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