Archive 2008Archive 2009Archive 2010

December 23, 2009
Papaya Pork Stew
This is a nice variation on pork. I like it better than grilled pork with the papaya sauce on top.

December 17, 2009
Sarah Palin vs. The Terminator
Arnold Schwarzenegger took a shot at Sarah Palin in CopenGate and she shot right back on Facebook

December 12, 2009
Skin in the Game
How to reform securitization: Make everyone involved have skin in the game

September 6, 2009
Economic Forecasting
Open letter to John Mauldin regarding economic forecasting

August 29, 2009
The Fear of Death
From Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

August 22, 2009
No Nos Callarán - We Will be Heard
A photo essay. March opposing the Cuban style education law

July 2, 2009
Twitter as a News Filter - Update
Over the past three weeks, Twitter has proven itself as great news filter

July 1, 2009
The Pursuit of Happiness
4th of July, American Independence Day.
5th of July, Venezuelan Independence Day.
Good days to remember our unalienable Rights

June 30, 2009
The "Obama" Doctrine
Obama is downright dangerous, more so than even Jimmy Carter was

June 13, 2009
Twitter Overload?
A Twitterati style essay -- say it in 140 bytes or less

June 8, 2009
Twitter Math
To follow more that two or three hundred people on Twitter is absurd.

June 7, 2009
Twitter as a News Filter
After much resistance, I joined a social network and found a new use for it, as a news filter.

May 23, 2009
Credit Card Horror Story
Financial satire.

May 22, 2009
Dictators are Afraid of the Internet
Too funny for words.

May 22, 2009
News, the Economy and Banks
What's an investor to do now?

April 18, 2009
V Cumbre de las Americas
Un nuevo comienzo para la alianza panamericana. A new start for the Pan American alliance. Sorry, Spanish only.

April 6, 2009
Open Letter to Daniel Meyers, CEO First Marblehead Corp.
Getting First Marblehead back in racing shape.

April 5, 2009
OEM Scripts' php Framework Rewrite
A whole new way to look at a php framework!

April 3, 2009
Class Smiley php5
An open source smiley script

March 31, 2009
Autoloading Objects in php5
A great idea that needs improving

March 28, 2009
Turkey Opposes Danish NATO Candidacy
I seldom comment on news but, enough is enough!

March 28, 2009
America the Senile
Countries age and lose their youthful vigor. America is no exception.

March 8, 2009
The Magic of Markets
Politicians often do not recognize the magic of markets, they think they can do better.

March 3, 2009
Caracas Nine
A gripping video about the abuses of the Chavez dictatorship.

February 23, 2009
Modern Finance
The humor side of the market.

January 31, 2009
Tiferet Israel Synagog Desacrated
Diego Arria, ex President of the UN Security Council, places responsibility on Hugo Chávez and the Venezuelan Armed Forces. Sorry, Spanish only.

January 31, 2009
Tiferet Israel Synagog Photos
Tiferet Israel Synagog Desacrated -- Photo Essay

January 23, 2009
No es No -- ring tone
A ringtone for your cellular phone

January 22, 2009
Chavez's Brutality
Photo essays of Chavez's brutal repression of peaceful student demonstrations

January 18, 2009
Too much technology
The humor side of technology.

Archive 2008

Archive 2009

Archive 2010

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