Archive 2004Archive 2005Archive 2006

December 7, 2005
Busted! The OAS trashes the Venezuelan elections!
Daniel Duquenal analizes the preliminay OAS observer's report

December 6, 2005
Changes for the 6th Republic
We want a democracy in deed, not in name only. Three proposals that would go a long way to make it a reality

December 5, 2005
A New Start
Inaction will not remove Chavez. What is plan "B"? What are we going to do starting today, Monday December 5th? Who is the leader?

December 5, 2005
Where Are the Voters?
Chavez no longer has popular support. All his early goodwill is gone. A maximum of 18% of the population still back him.

December 2, 2005
After the boycott, what?
With the abstention Chavez controls 100% of the national Assembly. What will the opposition parties do then?

November 23, 2005
Public Hospitals in Venezuela
Norwegian TV documentary on Venezulean public hospitals

November 22, 2005
Ich Bin Berliner
After 60 year I recovered my German citizenship

September 21, 2005
The Daily Journal Online - pdf
The Daily Journal, the venerable 60 year old English language Caracas newspaper, is getting new vigor under new management. Going online is the latest achievement for Russ Dallen

September 9, 2005
Gas Prices
Post Katrina gas prices

September 7, 2005
An Unnatural Disaster
A most unsettling analysis of the events in New Orleans by Robert Tracinski, Editor, The Intellectual Activist

September 5, 2005
Please Help Katrina Victims (removed)
PowerPoint presentation by Liliana C. Gonzalez circulated in Venezuela by email

June 24, 2005
Fish and Hares - pdf
My thought of the day: "Fish and hares: in the market there is no such thing as intrinsic value, only exchange value."

March 29, 2005
WWW wars: directories vs. search engines - pdf
It's the same old war between man and machine. The machine will win but man is obstinate.

February 27, 2005
Europe, Thy Name Is Cowardice
Some Europeans are seeing the light, unfortunately a tiny minority.

January 24, 2005
A Search Engine Success Story - pdf
Don't just optimize your website for search engines page by page, optimize the whole site by taking advantage of the "Long tail," an interesting attribute of the WWW

January 14, 2005
Venezuela's 'Revolution' - Washington Post Editorial
Mr. Jimmy Carter says the election was fair and square and Mr. Bush, the oilman, is happy with the oil flow. So what else is new?

Archive 2004

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