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December 19, 1999
Baggerness 12-19-99 - pdf
Are current valuations crazy?

December 15, 1999
Read Books - pdf
Reading the GTR and good books is a great way to get an education.

December 08, 1999
Pearls 2 - pdf
RJA took the time to collect and edit some of my GTF posts. Thanks Bob!

December 07, 1999
This Time It's Different - pdf
The Information Revolution is a true revolution because power is passing from government and enterprise to the people.

December 01, 1999
Gorilla Investing - pdf
How The Gorilla Game complements GG's telecosmic insight.

November 29, 1999
Bulls, Bears and Chickens - pdf
One year later, the Law of Averages is doing its work as expected, but the extra precaution is paying off in spades!

November 23, 1999
The Internet's Story - pdf
A big "Thank You" to the Internet Society (ISOC) for this article

November 23, 1999
Pearls 1 - pdf
RJA took the time to collect and edit some of my GTF posts. Thanks Bob!

November 20, 1999
Understatement - pdf
Richard P. Feynman is a superbly interesting person. "The Pleasure of Finding Things Out" is a great read.

November 19, 1999
On Storage - pdf
Why NAS? Because that is the best place to store stuff.

November 07, 1999
Altruism - pdf
Altruism exposed.

November 06, 1999
Is Capitalism Altruistic? - pdf
GG's theology under the loupe!

November 04, 1999
The New Bill Of Rights - pdf
The bill of NO rights!

October 10, 1999
ARMHY - pdf
My initial ARMHY research.

October 05, 1999
True Confessions - pdf
I own a mini-conglomerate!

October 01, 1999
Market Timing - pdf
Market timing does not work.

September 30, 1999
GSTRF Islands - pdf
On what islands could GSTRF place gateways to get world wide coverage?

September 28, 1999
Gold as Money - pdf
I like plastic better ;-)

September 28, 1999
Rand - pdf
Rand, zero, infinity and in between.

September 28, 1999
Valuations Revisited - pdf
Verifying high P/E and high P/S ratios.

September 27, 1999
Unsecured Debt - pdf
Not so sinister at all!

September 27, 1999
Soros and GSTRF - pdf
Soros sells about 1.6 million G* shares without disturbing the market

September 26, 1999
Gold Heist - pdf
The world's largest gold heist.

September 26, 1999
The Roaring 2000s - pdf
Back to the future?

September 25, 1999
Gold - pdf
Why I like the paper standard.

September 25, 1999
Risk - pdf
Just what is risk?

September 25, 1999
Gold and Inflation - pdf
Gold does not solve the problem.

September 25, 1999
Money - pdf
Galbraith on money.

September 22, 1999
The Ant - pdf
A political fable.


Archive 1999

Archive 2000

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